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商品详细biospec/Mini Leaf Crusher/1kit/MLC320
biospec/Mini Leaf Crusher/1kit/MLC320
biospec/Mini Leaf Crusher/1kit/MLC320
商品编号: MLC320
品牌: biospec
市场价: ¥1580.00
美元价: 790.00
产地: 美国(厂家直采)
产品分类: 多肽合成
公司分类: peptide
联系Q Q: 3392242852
电话号码: 4000-520-616
电子邮箱: info@ebiomall.com

Mini Leaf Crusher

The hand-held Mini Leaf Crusher is designed for use in the field or other locations distant from an analytical laboratory. It is used in combination with unique BioSpec DNA Sample Cards. Plant cells (leaf, stem, roots) are crushed by the clamp at very high pressure and the released cell extract is immediately captured and stabilized on special cellulose filter paper located within the compact Sample Card. Multiple samples can be processed in a day and no preservatives or low temperatures are required for successful transit of the card(s) to the laboratory for subsequent RNA or DNA analysis. Using published techniques, the bound nucleic acids are released from the filter paper in a purified form ready for direct use in downstream applications such as PCR-based methodologies and genome sequencing of the plant or its microbial pathogens.

The Mini Leaf Crusher comes with an introductory five-pack of BioSpec DNA Sample Cards. Additional Sample Cards can be ordered separately.

Cat. No. MLC320, Mini Leaf Crusher includes 5 BioSpec DNA Sample Cards

Cat. No. DSC20, BioSpec DNA Sample Cards, 20 pack

Cat. No. DSC50, BioSpec DNA Sample Cards, 50 pack

Our Price : $0.00

Besides DNA, other plant leaf intercellular biochemicals such as RNA and proteins can also be collected and preserved on the Mini Leaf Crushertm Sample Card.  The "Mini Leaf Crusher" method can also be applied to extract proteins and nucleic acids from insects,  However, most fresh animal tissue samples do not "crush" with this tool due to their high cell wall flexibility.  Without using the Mini Leaf Crusher tool, it's DNA Sample Card can be used to stabilize and transport microliter quantities of bodily fluids (blood, sputum, urine), liquified suspensions of biological/environmental material (feces, lake mud), processed foods, and animal tissues pre-homogenized by other preferred methods1).

HOW IT WORKS:  A plant leaf is placed within the folds of the BioSpec DNA Sample Cardtm and the loaded Sample Card is magnetically docked between the jaws of the Mini Leaf Crusher.  Manually tightening the Leaf Crusher generates a crushing force in excess of 1000 lbs/in2 on a quarter-inch diameter of the plant leaf.  The crushed plant cells are totally disrupted and the resultant cell lysate is captured on cellulose filter paper located within the Sample Card.  The leaf is discarded and the Sample Card is folded closed and packaged in a provided zip-lock polybag containing a pouch of desiccant. The sample extract is preserved in a dried and stabilized state, ready for transit to the laboratory for DNA analysis.

On delivery to the lab, the preserved sample spot can be punched out as a 1/4" diameter disk with a Leaf Punch or cut out of the Sample Card's cellulose filter paper in the shape of a dipstick and the DNA, RNA or protein of interest eluted in an appropriate extraction medium.  See Zou et.al., PLoS Bio 15 (11), e2003916  for an excellent research paper on rapid and efficient recovery of purified DNA from cell lysates preserved on cellulose paper.

Because the Mini Leaf Crusher crushes plant leaf samples without direct contact with either the plant leaf or the preservative cellulose filter paper inside the DNA Sample card it can be used repetitively without the need for decontamination.

1  BioSpec Products manufactures other "field-compatible" homogenizers suitable for lysing cells in "field conditions":..see the Spiralpestle and Microtube Homogenizer and cordless Portable SoniBeast-Jr.  These homogenizers process by wet grinding the sample in extraction media and can be applied to microbial and animal tissue, as well as most types of plant tissue.  A drop of the homogenate produced by these devices is spotted on the BioSpec DNA Sample Card - stabilizing it for transportation to a central laboratory.
